This year Ryan’s Foundation has adopted 54 children for the Holiday’s from Berlins social Services. Below please see a portion of their wishes posted on Amazon and Walmart. Please note aside from these lists the children are wishing for clothes, winter boots, winter coats, and electronics. Any $$ gift cards to the following stores are very much needed and appreciated. Walmart, Mickey Finns, Dick’s, Nike and American Eagle.
Ryan’s Foundation address is 103 Peter Parley Row, Berlin CT 06037. Many thanks for all your support because without it we couldn’t make the Holiday’s magical for these kids. 

The children’s wishes have been placed on our virtual giving tree below. Take one star or how many you wish and help make the holidays special for children in need.
Click here for Walmart Giving Tree Registry »
Click here for Amazon Giving Tree Registry »
Should you have any questions, please contact Theresa Lee by text at (860) 424-2010.